Jacyn Norfleet - Left, Right
Hit single “Left, Right”, receives strong visuals from Jacyn Norfleet . This was inspired through a radio station conversation with DJ Pup Dawg and Edubble where they pitched the idea to create a radio record. Hearing the slow melody, instantly a vision came on the song and he produced it exactly how he thought. Jacyn Norfleet prides himself on his versatility which allows him to conquer any new music challenge presented. For the song, he had to switch his mindset and tone to fit the club scene. With his womanizing vocals he wishes to hype up the women of the world. Nowadays with misconceptions of dating, Jacyn wishes to bring them inside the mind of a man who truly wants all of you for who you are.
Women are more powerful than they know, Norfleet wishes to just tell the story from a man’s perspective when pursuing a woman, they really desire. Hoping to get back into the clubs soon to hear his new banger, for now everything is pushed on all social media and streaming services.
Make sure to stream “Left, Right”, which is out now on all streaming platforms.