“North Youngest Son”-Shuttlesworth
Shuttlesworth released his album, “North Youngest Son”, in February. The album showcases his versatility within his music by combining a mixture of both hard and fire beats. In the city that Shuttlesworth is from, people often refer to him as a “medium” since people of all ages listen to his music. His versatility is portrayed through his various styles and sounds illustrated in his music. “North Youngest Son” gave Shuttlesworth the opportunity to express himself through his music. He envisions the album as a coming out party and as an opportunity to make a name for himself . He is tired of being slighted and overlooked since he does not have as many followers on platforms and the recognition as some other artists in the industry.
A line from Shuttlesworth’s work states, “I leveled up, I’m my own boss, I made my own name, promise when I get this money I won’t change”. This line emulates what he stands for. Shuttlesworth has put in the work behind the scenes and in the studio to make a name for himself. He aspires to portray the message that you can come from nothing and pursue all that you want. What separates Shuttlesworth from others is the sound of his music. The vast majority of artists in his hometown city focus more on melodic music; where as, Shuttlesworth’s music has vibrant energy and vibes.